La Fondazione finanzia progetti scientifici che sono un volano sia per la formazione del singolo ricercatore sia lo sviluppo degli enti beneficiari. Ciascun progetto sostenuto dalla Fondazione comporta un impegno, anche prolungato nel tempo, del ricercatore e dell’ente di affiliazione dello stesso. I progetti promossi dalla Fondazione sono rivolti a ricercatori giovani e senior. Promuovono piste di indagine innovative nella ricerca di base. Introducono nel panorama della ricerca internazionale i ricercatori che svolgono attività in Italia.
Mobility | 4 Marzo - 4 Aprile | 15 Luglio | Mobility window: dal 1 Novembre 2025 al 31 Ottobre 2026 |
B4B | 11 Marzo - 11 Aprile | 15 Luglio | Attivabile: dal 1 Novembre 2025 - 31 gennaio 2026 |
Mini Grant | 15 Aprile - 15 Maggio | 15 Novembre | 15 Gennaio 2026 |
The Guido Berlucchi Foundation Berlucchi for Brescia (B4B) Programme 2025 aims to finance a two-year salary for one post-doctoral fellow performing basic research in oncology in a public or private...
The Guido Berlucchi Foundation young researchers Mobility Programme 2025 aims to support oncologic research by facilitating young researchers training, competence acquisition and development...
The Guido Berlucchi Foundation Mini-Grant Programme 2024 aims to support young Principal Investigators performing basic research in oncology by financing laboratory running costs. Applications can be...
The Guido Berlucchi Foundation Berlucchi for Brescia (B4B) Programme 2024 aims to finance one year salary to one post-doctoral fellow performing basic research in oncology in a public or private...
The Guido Berlucchi Foundation young researchers Mobility Programme 2024 aims to support oncologic research by facilitating young researchers training, competence acquisition and development...
The Guido Berlucchi Foundation Mini-Grant Programme 2023 aims to support young Principal Investigators performing basic research in oncology by financing laboratory running costs. Applications can be...
The Guido Berlucchi Foundation young researchers Mobility Programme 2023 aims to support oncologic research by facilitating young researchers training, competence acquisition and development...
A bonus and the possibility given to young researchers to attend an international oncology congress of their choice, presenting the results of their research.
A scholarship for talented young researchers who aspire to spend a few months specialising at a foreign laboratory.
A bonus for young researchers who have been accepted to present their research results at an international oncology congress.
A bonus for young researchers who have been accepted to present their research results at an international oncology congress.
A scholarship for talented young researchers who aspire to spend a few months specialising at a foreign laboratory.
A bonus and the possibility given to young researchers to attend an international oncology congress of their choice, presenting the results of their research.
A bonus and the possibility given to young researchers to attend an international oncology congress of their choice, presenting the results of their research.
A bonus for young researchers who have been accepted to present their research results at an international oncology congress.
A scholarship for talented young researchers who aspire to spend a few months specialising at a foreign laboratory.
A 5-year joint grant between the Guido Berlucchi Foundation and the host institution that guarantees the Principal Investigator's salary, the laboratory's operating expenses and the host...
A scholarship for talented young researchers who aspire to spend a few months specialising at a foreign laboratory.
A bonus for young researchers who have been accepted to present their research results at an international oncology congress.
A bonus and the possibility given to young researchers to attend an international oncology congress of their choice, presenting the results of their research.
Funding project established for the research of a specific project.
A scholarship for talented young researchers who aspire to do research.
Funding project established for the research of a specific project.
A scholarship for talented young researchers who aspire to do research.
Funding project established for the research of a specific project.
A scholarship for talented young researchers who aspire to do research.
Funding project established for the research of a specific project.
A scholarship for talented young researchers who aspire to do research.
A scholarship for talented young researchers who aspire to do research.
Funding project established for the research of a specific project.
A scholarship for talented young researchers who aspire to do research.
Funding project established for the research of a specific project.
A scholarship for talented young researchers who aspire to do research.
Funding project established for the research of a specific project.
Funding project established for the research of a specific project.
A scholarship for talented young researchers who aspire to do research.
Funding project established for the research of a specific project.
A scholarship for talented young researchers who aspire to do research.
A scholarship for talented young researchers who aspire to do research.
Funding project established for the research of a specific project.
A scholarship for talented young researchers who aspire to do research.
Funding project established for the research of a specific project.
A scholarship for talented young researchers who aspire to do research.
Funding project established for the research of a specific project.
Il processo di finanziamento inizia con un bando che la Fondazione Guido Berlucchi rende pubblico attraverso il proprio sito web. I ricercatori e/o gli enti beneficiari possono inviare il loro progetto entro i termini stabiliti, secondo le modalità riportate in ciascun bando.
La procedura di selezione è basata sui principi di trasparenza e riconoscimento dell’eccellenza e del merito. Prevede una valutazione di ammissibilità e una successiva selezione scientifica. La selezione scientifica viene fatta dal Comitato Tecnico Scientifico, coadiuvato da eventuali revisori esterni internazionali scelti per la loro competenza sullo specifico argomento del progetto.
La graduatoria viene stilata alla fine di una riunione plenaria del Comitato Tecnico Scientifico in cui ciascun progetto viene valutato congiuntamente tenendo conto delle relazioni dei revisori e della media del punteggio raggiunto.
Ogni ricercatore riceve comunicazione dell’esito della selezione. I progetti vincitori vengono pubblicati sul sito web della Fondazione Guido Berlucchi e seguiti nel tempo dal Comitato Tecnico Scientifico.